The most important piece in the recruiting process is a partner you can rely on through your high school career.

CaptainU is here to ensure you have a lifetime of support with our Lifetime Silver package. Get our most popular recruiting management tools for over 60% off!

  • Instant access to every college coach and team in the country
  • Expert support through your entire HS career
  • Unlimited messaging to coaches + custom built-in messaging templates
  • A step-by-step recruiting checklist to guide you every step of the way
  • Access to unlimited recruiting content, including regulations & guidelines, academic eligibility, athletic scholarships & much more
  • The most powerful athlete promotional tools to help you gain exposure & get recruited
Lifetime Silver Package
Lifetime Silver Package

Get our most popular recruiting management tools for LIFE and save over 60% off! Pay in 4 low monthly installments of only $93.75. 

    The most important piece in the recruiting process is a partner you can rely on through your high school career.

    CaptainU is here to ensure you have a lifetime of support with our Lifetime Silver package. Get our most popular recruiting management tools for over 60% off!

    Upgrade now to get: 

    • Instant access to every college coach and team in the country
    • Expert support through your entire HS career
    • Unlimited messaging to coaches + custom built-in messaging templates
    • A step-by-step recruiting checklist to guide you every step of the way 
    • Access to unlimited recruiting content, including regulations & guidelines, academic eligibility, athletic scholarships & much more
    • The most powerful athlete promotional tools to help you gain exposure & get recruited
    Lifetime Silver Package
    Lifetime Silver Package

    Get our most popular recruiting management tools for LIFE and save over 60% off! Pay in 4 low monthly installments of only $93.75. 


      3 Million Athletes + Coaches

      Over 3 million high school athletes and college coaches have already connected through CaptainU. Don't wait until it's too late to start! Start gaining maximum exposure today and get recruited!